Welcome to KCDN

This is KCDN, an Environmental Management, Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication Civil Society.

We welcome you to our site. Kindly feel free to share with us your thoughts. Ideas that add value will be appreciated. Ideas that want to make us improve our physical environment will be welcome. And more so, ideas that redirect us from the lost cause will be of immense value.

It is us who will improve the lot of our Environment, our Economy and make Kenya a Clean Country, where People join hands to work for our own Economic Emancipation and where Municipal Solid Waste Management is looked at as a resource, not as waste.

We need to set the standards in this region of the World and become the referral point in how a people can join hands and work for their own Economic Liberation, where waste can be used as raw material and become a source of employment for our people.

Our collective actions will surely make a difference. This is why in partnership with our Key Strategic Partners- The Public Service Transformation Department, the National Environment Management Authority, the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation,other key Ministries, the Local Authorities in Kenya, the Provincial Administration, A Better World, Akiba Uhaki Foundation and other Partners, we are moving deliberately in sensitizing and mobilizing Kenyans to work towards A Clean Kenya where waste is separated at source.

And this is why we are inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Clean Kenya Campaign and be a Member of Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd


Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader & Executive Director,
Tel; 0724 365 557,
Email; komarockswatch@yahoo.com, kimishodevelopment@gmail.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kimisho is now set, ready and able

Dear Friends,
Kimisho Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd- KSSL was formerly and legally constituted today during our 1st Annual General Meeting hosted at the YMCA State House Road in Nairobi and attended by almost 100 Registered Members from across Kenya.
Loud and Clear
The Elections of the Management Committee was conducted by Mr. Paul Kibugi- a Co-operative Officer representing The Commissioner of Co-operatives Development. Our Guest of Honour was Mr. George Ototo- Managing Director for KUSCO.
During the Elections, the following Members were elected to the following offices;

  1. Chair- Mr. Dismus Omondi Obondo- proposed and seconded by Mr. Philemon Ouma and Ms Everlyn Akumu.
  2. Vice Chair- Ms Merab Adongo Akuom- proposed and seconded by Ms Phoebe Adhiambo and Ms Julia Onyango.
  3. Secretary- Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- proposed and seconded by Ms Claire Obiero and Mr. John Otieno.
  4. Treasurer- Mr. Fredrick Omondi Banja- proposed and seconded by Ms Christine Mogalo and Mr. Kenneth Opondo.
  5. Committee Member- Mr. Stephen Obala Otieno- proposed and seconded by Mr. Atito Milton and Ms Christine Orata.
  6. Committee Member- Ms Rose Mboya Dwalo- proposed and seconded by Mr. Henry Omondi and Ms Lilian Akoth.
  7. Committee Member-  Mr. Joel Akama- proposed and seconded by Ms Judith Ombok and Mr. Henry Omondi.
  8. Committee Member- Mr Stephen Machua- proposed and seconded by Ms Everlyn Akumu and Ms Emily Odhiambo. 
  9. Committee Member- Ms Christine Mogalo- proposed and seconded by Mr. William Ogutu and Mr. Nicodemus Wangla.

Mr. Paul Kibugi- Co-operative Development Officer hands over the Certificate of Registration of Kimisho to Mr. Dismus Omondi Obondo- Chairman Management Committee KSSL. Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch and Mr. George Ototo- partially hidden, witnessed flanked the presentation.
The Supervisory Committee will be composed of the following Members;

  1. Chair- Ms Lillian Mola Nyawir,
  2. Secretary; Mr. Victor Onyango Kasera, and
  3. Member; Mr. William Ogutu 

Mr. George Ototo addressing Kimisho Members. With him L-R are Odhiambo T Oketch, Mr. Paul Kibugi and Mr. Dismus Obondo
We also unveiled our Board of Directors for Kimisho Community Development Network- KCDN and the following Members will serve as Board Members for the next 3 Years;

  1. The Rt Rev Johannes Angela- Bishop of the ACK Diocese of Bondo- Chair
  2. Ms Janet Winnie Ogot- Member
  3. Ms Mary Akello Omollo- Member
  4. Mr. Fredrick Omondi Banja- Member
  5. Ms Judith Anyango Ombok- Member
  6. Mr. Dismus Omondi Obondo- Member
  7. Mr. Elijah Agevi- Member
  8. Ms Claire Obiero- Member
  9. Mr. Isayah Odhiambo Bwana- Member
  10. Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- Secretary

The Kimisho Management Committee joins in a Group Photo with Mr. George Ototo and Mr. Paul Kibugi immediately after the Elections.
We also have a Team of Strategic Partners whom we will be consulting with from time to time as we walk in this Journey of Hope across Kenya.
In the US, Kimisho will be headed by Mr. Joe Omanya while Mr. Dickson Aduong'a will head our UK Team.
We are now set and ready to roll. Membership Registration to Kimisho is now Kshs 500.00 payable through our KCB Mpesa Pay Bill Number 522522 to our Account Number 114 2400 913, or through our Treasurer Mr. Fred Banja.
I want to sincerely salute Mr. George Ototo for gracing our 1st AGM and for offering to present us with a Register for Members- which I will pick tomorrow from his office, and for inviting 2 Kimisho Members- one from the Board and the other from the Management Committee for a Training Programme on Sacco Management, besides really motivating us into action.
I want to sincerely thank the Ministry of Co-operatives Development and the office of the Commissioner for Co-operatives Development for their guidance and support so far. We are going to walk in this Journey of Hope across Kenya together as a Team.
Lastly, I want to sincerely salute the following Friends, Members and Partners for the support they gave to us towards hosting our 1st AGM; 
  1. Mr. Alfayo Ondego- Kshs 1,000.00,
  2. Mr. Dismus Omondi Obondo- Kshs 2,000.00,
  3. Mr. Steven Obala Otieno- Kshs 2,000.00,
  4. Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- Kshs 2,000.00,
  5. Ms Merab Akuon- Kshs 2,000.00
  6. The Rt Rev Bishop Johannes Angela- Kshs 2,000.00,
  7. Ms Mary Asiko- Kshs 2,000.00,
  8. Mr. Jairus Gilbert Omondi- Kshs 3,000.00,
  9. Mr. Isayah Odhiambo Bwana- Kshs 10,000.00,
  10. Ms Everlyne Akumu- Kshs 2,000.00,
  11. Mr. Fredrick Omondi Banja- Kshs 5,000.00,
  12. Mr. Tubmun Otieno- Kshs 3,000.00. 
  13. Mr. Joel Akama- Kshs 1,500.00,
  14. Dr Abraham Korir- Kshs 2,500.00, 
  15. Ms Claire Omollo- Kshs 2,000.00, 
  16. Ms Judith Anyango Ombok- Kshs 2,000.00.
Let us now roll out across Kenya.
May the good Lord Bless and Support Kimisho in this Journey of Hope across Kenya.

Odhiambo T Oketch,                                                                                                                           The Team Leader/Executive Director,
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel; +254 724 365 557,
Email; kimishodevelopment@gmail.com komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Blogspot; http://kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com
Mailing List; friendsofkcdn@yahoogroups.com friendsofnyanza@yahoogroups.com

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