Welcome to KCDN

This is KCDN, an Environmental Management, Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication Civil Society.

We welcome you to our site. Kindly feel free to share with us your thoughts. Ideas that add value will be appreciated. Ideas that want to make us improve our physical environment will be welcome. And more so, ideas that redirect us from the lost cause will be of immense value.

It is us who will improve the lot of our Environment, our Economy and make Kenya a Clean Country, where People join hands to work for our own Economic Emancipation and where Municipal Solid Waste Management is looked at as a resource, not as waste.

We need to set the standards in this region of the World and become the referral point in how a people can join hands and work for their own Economic Liberation, where waste can be used as raw material and become a source of employment for our people.

Our collective actions will surely make a difference. This is why in partnership with our Key Strategic Partners- The Public Service Transformation Department, the National Environment Management Authority, the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation,other key Ministries, the Local Authorities in Kenya, the Provincial Administration, A Better World, Akiba Uhaki Foundation and other Partners, we are moving deliberately in sensitizing and mobilizing Kenyans to work towards A Clean Kenya where waste is separated at source.

And this is why we are inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Clean Kenya Campaign and be a Member of Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd


Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader & Executive Director,
Tel; 0724 365 557,
Email; komarockswatch@yahoo.com, kimishodevelopment@gmail.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Maringo Clean-up Campaign

Today being the 3rd Saturday of the Month, we joined with the City Council of Nairobi to help clean the garbage that has been dumped along Nyanza Road, just as you approach Bahati Estate.
The problem
We are pleased that the following teams joined us;
  1. City Council of Nairobi led by Mr. Isaac Muraya- Director of Environment at CCN
  2. NPC Church Buru Buru led by Pastor Felix Wandera
  3. Jica Study Team on decommissioning of Dandora Dump Site led by Mr. Shungo Soeda
  4. The Provincial Administration led by Snr Chief Alice K Adhola
  5. YWCA
  6. Jogoo Road Primary School pupils
  7. A German TV Station- did a documentary on the Clean-up
  8. and members of the public.
The event started late but quickly picked up.
On behalf of the KCDN and The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign, I want to register our appreciation to all these Teams that joined us at Maringo Estate and all those Teams that did something across the whole Country.

Snr Chief Adhola being interviewed by the German TV Station
I had to excuse myself and leave early because I am meeting with my Friends at 2.00pm at Garden Square to help plan for my Mum's funeral.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

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