Welcome to KCDN

This is KCDN, an Environmental Management, Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication Civil Society.

We welcome you to our site. Kindly feel free to share with us your thoughts. Ideas that add value will be appreciated. Ideas that want to make us improve our physical environment will be welcome. And more so, ideas that redirect us from the lost cause will be of immense value.

It is us who will improve the lot of our Environment, our Economy and make Kenya a Clean Country, where People join hands to work for our own Economic Emancipation and where Municipal Solid Waste Management is looked at as a resource, not as waste.

We need to set the standards in this region of the World and become the referral point in how a people can join hands and work for their own Economic Liberation, where waste can be used as raw material and become a source of employment for our people.

Our collective actions will surely make a difference. This is why in partnership with our Key Strategic Partners- The Public Service Transformation Department, the National Environment Management Authority, the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation,other key Ministries, the Local Authorities in Kenya, the Provincial Administration, A Better World, Akiba Uhaki Foundation and other Partners, we are moving deliberately in sensitizing and mobilizing Kenyans to work towards A Clean Kenya where waste is separated at source.

And this is why we are inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Clean Kenya Campaign and be a Member of Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd


Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader & Executive Director,
Tel; 0724 365 557,
Email; komarockswatch@yahoo.com, kimishodevelopment@gmail.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The best ever Clean-up Campaign; Kongowea Market

Today we hosted the best ever Clean-up Campaign in the history of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign at Kongowea Wholesale Market in Mombasa.
Mr Bilafif, Mr. Mulambe-partly hidden, Ms Mwakamba, Ms Sharon, Odhiambo T Oketch and other leaders during the Launch at Kongowea today the 18th Feb 2012
The event was officially launched my Ms Elipida Mwakamba- Deputy Town Clerk Reforms in the company of Mr. MS Bilafif- the Environment Director, Mr. Sylvester Mulambe- Director Education- again, he was today holding brief for the Town Clerk in Mombasa, Mr. Abdalla- the Market Superintendent, Mr. Ali Mtsumi- the Market Chairman Kongowea, Mr. Richard Onyango- Market Secretary Kongowea, Mr. Nyagah, sectional Chairman, Ms Betty Sharon- CEO Coast Women in Development, Mr. Tom Ngar- Field Officer CWID, several leaders and traders from Kongowea Market and the KCDN Team managing The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.
The Council provided 6 Lorries, I Tractor and 1 Shovel while the work force was from the following groups;
  1. Municipal Council of Mombasa
  2. Kongowea Market Traders
  3. International Republican Institute
  4. Coast Women in Development
  5. Mombasa Municipal Fire Brigade
  6. Mombasa Integrated Solid Waste Management led by Mr Joseph Katana from Changamwe
  7. Public Health Office from Kisauni
  8. Canaan Orphanage Project
  9. Tunaweza Women with Disability led by Ms Lucy Chesi
  10. Community Focus in health Initiative led by Walter from Changamwe
  11. and the KCDN Team. 
We were happy to note that the team from Changamwe have started a Waste Recycling Plant with the support of the IRI and great efforts are being made to have the Plant operational to start sorting out the Plastic Menace.
The good thing is, the Market Traders decided on their own that they will be joining the Council every 3rd Saturday of the Month in cleaning the Market and they want Kongowea to be the Model Market in East Africa given that they are also the biggest Market in the East African Region.
Aftermath; Mr. Peter Mbol of KCDN, Richard, Odhiambo- leaving with some water, Sharon and Walter in a CleanKongowea Market
Nyeri had given us the best impact until today when Kongowea recorded the best impact and turnout.
We at the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign have done our part. The rest is for the people and we are delighted that Coast Women in Development will be playing a key role in this Campaign every Month. I am happy to report that NO ONE was paid to participate and NO ONE was stranded at Kongowea after the Clean-up Campaign.
Our Focal Point for the Month of March will be Kisumu City and Nairobi and already, we are in several discussions that will advance the Clean-up Campaign in those regions.
'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek'- President Barack Obama of the USA.
A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Blog; http://kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

1 comment:

  1. I personally think that this was a good exercise and that what the groups are doing is commendable. I am surprised that someone was claiming this is a field that children use to play football? I ahve worked in Msa and have visited Kongowea market severally to buy produce....and i can attest that this part cleaned is part of the market.
    I once again congratulate you for a work well done and do not dispair when people make negative comments but trudge on and make a difference. GOOD WORK TO COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT.
