Welcome to KCDN

This is KCDN, an Environmental Management, Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication Civil Society.

We welcome you to our site. Kindly feel free to share with us your thoughts. Ideas that add value will be appreciated. Ideas that want to make us improve our physical environment will be welcome. And more so, ideas that redirect us from the lost cause will be of immense value.

It is us who will improve the lot of our Environment, our Economy and make Kenya a Clean Country, where People join hands to work for our own Economic Emancipation and where Municipal Solid Waste Management is looked at as a resource, not as waste.

We need to set the standards in this region of the World and become the referral point in how a people can join hands and work for their own Economic Liberation, where waste can be used as raw material and become a source of employment for our people.

Our collective actions will surely make a difference. This is why in partnership with our Key Strategic Partners- The Public Service Transformation Department, the National Environment Management Authority, the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation,other key Ministries, the Local Authorities in Kenya, the Provincial Administration, A Better World, Akiba Uhaki Foundation and other Partners, we are moving deliberately in sensitizing and mobilizing Kenyans to work towards A Clean Kenya where waste is separated at source.

And this is why we are inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Clean Kenya Campaign and be a Member of Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd


Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader & Executive Director,
Tel; 0724 365 557,
Email; komarockswatch@yahoo.com, kimishodevelopment@gmail.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Month of March at KCDN

The Month of March was another good show of what Friends of KCDN can do.
We were able to help mobilize and sensitize many people and groups around the country by hosting several Consultative and Awareness Forums in Mombasa, Kisumu and Nairobi.
We were also able to host the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns in Kongowea Market and at Kondele in Kisumu. We lastly hosted the World Clean up Day at Umoja Estate on the 24th April 2012.
All this could not have been possible without your support, partnership and participation. On behalf of the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Team, I want to thank all the Groups, Institutions and all the Friends of KCDN who helped us make it work.
Lastly, I want to sincerely thank the following people and Institutions for their support in March;
  1. Mr. George Odollo- Kshs 700.00
  2. Mr. Atong Junior- Kshs 400.00
  3. Mr. Joseph Kohogo Kshs 3,075.00
  4. Mr. Samson Olendo Kshs 5,950.00
  5. Ms Irene Wasike- Kshs 4,150.00
  6. Mr. Steve Misasa- Kshs 1,000.00
  7. Mr. Elijah Agevi- Kshs 6,350.00
  8. Mr. Justus Ooko- Kshs 4,000.00
  9. Mr. Richard Mogoko- Kshs 5,100.00
  10. Pst Absalom Birai- Kshs 8,089.00
  11. Mr. Patrick Seje- Kshs 3,025.00
  12. Mr. George Mgere- Kshs 1,500.00
  13. Mr. Elijah Oluoch- Kshs 500.00
  14. Mr. Betha Anyango- Kshs 500.00
  15. Mr. Douglas Otoyo- Kshs 500.00
  16. Mr. Isayah Bwana- Kshs 2,500.00
  17. Dr Robert Ayisi- Kshs 1,000.00
  18. Mr. William Janak- Kshs 1,000.00
  19. Mr. Rashid Juma- Kshs 2,000.00
  20. Mr. Aggrey Shitula- aka Papa Likondi- Kshs 3,000.00
  21. Mr. John Ogutu Omondi- Kshs 3,000.00
  22. Dr Abraham Korir- Kshs 1,500.00
  23. Mr. Henry Jack Omondi- Kshs 1,000.00
  24. PSTD- Kshs 30,000.00
  25. Mr. Ben Nyamweya- Kshs 2,000.00
  26. Mr. Artha Achola- Kshs 1,000.00
  27. Mr. Robert Oyiembo- Kshs 7,000.00
  28. Friend of KCDN- Kshs 2,000.00
  29. Ms Selline Oketch- Kshs 1,525.00
  30. Ms Dorcus Amondi- Kshs 5,500.00
Thank you and God bless you.
We have a very heavy schedule in Kitale, Eldoret and Kibigori this Month, and I am very happy with the responses that we have received so far. It is a tough Campaign in Our Journey of Hope across Kenya, and it needs men and women made of steal, and we are happy that we are equal to the task at The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek'- President Barack Obama of the USA.

A Peaceful, Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Blog; http://kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch
Odhiambo T Oketch is the immediate former Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund. He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010 in partnership with KACC and he is the National Co-ordinator of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya.

.......Moving From Talking to Tasking.......

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