Welcome to KCDN

This is KCDN, an Environmental Management, Economic Empowerment and Poverty Eradication Civil Society.

We welcome you to our site. Kindly feel free to share with us your thoughts. Ideas that add value will be appreciated. Ideas that want to make us improve our physical environment will be welcome. And more so, ideas that redirect us from the lost cause will be of immense value.

It is us who will improve the lot of our Environment, our Economy and make Kenya a Clean Country, where People join hands to work for our own Economic Emancipation and where Municipal Solid Waste Management is looked at as a resource, not as waste.

We need to set the standards in this region of the World and become the referral point in how a people can join hands and work for their own Economic Liberation, where waste can be used as raw material and become a source of employment for our people.

Our collective actions will surely make a difference. This is why in partnership with our Key Strategic Partners- The Public Service Transformation Department, the National Environment Management Authority, the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation,other key Ministries, the Local Authorities in Kenya, the Provincial Administration, A Better World, Akiba Uhaki Foundation and other Partners, we are moving deliberately in sensitizing and mobilizing Kenyans to work towards A Clean Kenya where waste is separated at source.

And this is why we are inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Clean Kenya Campaign and be a Member of Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd


Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader & Executive Director,
Tel; 0724 365 557,
Email; komarockswatch@yahoo.com, kimishodevelopment@gmail.com
Website; www.kcdnkenya.org.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nema is missing the point

Uncollected garbage is choking our major Towns with Nairobi and Mombasa bearing the heaviest brunt. And recently, Nema took Mr. Tubman Otieno- the Town Clerk in Mombasa to Court on account of uncollected garbage.
They have also taken Mr. Phillip Kisia to Court on the same charges.
If you travel along Juja Road, Jogoo Road, Donholm Area and many other places in Nairobi, you would think twice about how we handle our garbage. Mombasa has been in the news very much in the recent times and I want to believe it is time we addressed this issue more clearly.
In the last one year, we have really focused on the garbage in our Towns. We have pointed this out, mobilized willing Kenyans to step in and help and we have received very positive and passionate support from the various Town Clerks and their Councils. We do not expect the Town Clerks to walk out all the times to phyisically join in cleaning out towns.
We have seen Mr. Kisia and Mr. Otieno in the trenches actually cleaning. We have been joined by several other Town Clerks in the trenches and their desire is that they preside over clean Towns.
In the course of doing this, we have also realized that our Councils cannot do it by themselves. The City Council of Nairobi has 600 employees in the Environment Department and 5 trucks to cart away the 2,000 tonnes of waste the 4 million residents generate. The Council has no shovel, no loaders and no compactors, yet, we expect the Council to deliver.
The Municipal Council of Mombasa has 400 employees in their Environment Department and they have 5 trucks while the 1,5 million residents generate 1,000 tonnes of waste per day.They have 3 shovels, 2 loaders, 2 compactors and this is definitely not adequate to serve the residents. Yet, Mombasa is the gateway to Kenya besides being our major Tourists destination.
The Country has no known Solid Waste Management Policy to address this mess and what we call dump sites are theatres for massive corruption powered by people who work and serve in Government. These are people who thrive in this mess that they create. They have never been happy whenever this problem gets attention.
Do we all remember how Councilors and Government employees fought for cuts when Jacorozzi wanted to step in to manage waste in Mombasa? Do you remember how this same cartel fights at the mere mention of Dandoara Dump Site being relocated?
Yet, Nema, is proving incapable of seeing and identifying these underlying issues without which our Towns will never be clean.
We must not have dump sites. We need to have Waste Recycling Plants across the 47 Counties in Kenya. And this must be the focus of Nema. They must fight to enable the commissioning of such plants. Nema must fight to brake the cartels that control the waste industry, the people who thrive on our dirt.
Besides creating massive employments for our people, these Waste Recycling Plants will help address the rampant polythene menage. Nema made a knee jack attempt at banning production of polythene production and as soon as they made that pronouncement, they rescinded the same. What happened? Were they compromised into silence?
We cannot address the issue of garbage menace when we have no fire in the belly, or, when you make pronouncements that elicit favours from the cartels. You prompted get compromised into silence and they you pour your incompetence on someone who has no where-withal to accomplish the work for which you are blaming him.
I want to believe that Nema should also in the same breath be vigorous in pursuing residents who dump their garbage by the road side. Which law allows residents to dump by the road side their household waste? These people should be arrested and charged accordingly.
If we are to have a clean country, we must give our various Town Clerks the tools of trade, empower them and wait for results. If they fail to deliver, we should sack them and surcharge them accordingly.
We are launching the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign on the 22nd October 2011 at Huruma Estate in Nairobi, and we are extending an invitation to Nema to climb down and join us in this campaign. This is our country and it pays not to claim the moral high ground on empty template.
We took note that in as much as Nema claims the moral high ground on environmental matters, their absence in the Clean-up Campaign has been soundly telling. We are hence appealing to Nema to stop the blame game. Let us join hands and sort this mess.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Foundation For Kenya Pastoralist Women and KCDN Partnership

We had a meeting with the Foundation For Kenya Pastoralist Women officers today in the afternoon and our focus was how to Launch The Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign in Isiolo on the 12th of November 2011.
FKPW is led by Ms Tiyah Galgalo Ali who is a Founder Member, and they are focusing on 5 Thematic Areas namely;
  1. Women Empowerment
  2. Peace Building and Conflict Transformation
  3. Girl Child Education
  4. Governance and Women Leadership and 
  5. Research and Development
In the meeting we were with Ms Leyla Adan, Ms Ralia Bidu and Ms Esterina Kageni.

FKPW works within 11 Counties of;
  1. Isiolo
  2. Marsabit
  3. Moyale
  4. Mandera
  5. Tana River
  6. Narok 
  7. Kajiado
  8. Turkana
  9. West Pokot
  10. Mandera and
  11. Transmara
In Nairobi, they have a presence in Korogocho and Mukuru Kwa Njenja.
FKPW will become our Lead Partner in these Counties in The Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign. They will use the Consultative Forums and the Clean-ups to advance issues of Peace Building amongst the Pastoralist Communities.
We all know that there are many conflicts that are related to sharing of the available resources such as pasture and water. We will bring the communities to clean their immediate neighouhoods as One People Under God. We will then advance Thematic Areas that seek unity for the people of Kenya as we educate ourselves on the 4 Pillars of Transforming Kenya.
On behalf of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Team, I want to welcome the Foundation For Kenya Pastoralist Women to the Trenches. Let us all join hands and help make Kenya Clean.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......

If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me
. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit

PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com


Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

The Cleanest Estate in Africa; Nyayo Embakasi Estate

When I called Mr. Ephantus Njeru to inform him that the PC Nairobi and The Consultative Team will be visiting Nyayo Embakasi Estate on the 13th October 2011 as a Best Practice for Kenyans, he told me; 'Welcome to the Cleanest Estate in East and Central Africa.' Mr. Njeru is the Estate Supervisor and he works with his colleagues Peter and Ann.
I laughed and dismissed him as a typical bragging Kenyan.

Today, after briefing the DC Embakasi Mr. Peter Mbugi, I went to Nyayo Embakasi Estate. My, this is the Cleanest Estate in Africa, not just East and Central Africa. And I want to challenge anybody who thinks otherwise to let us know.
The Estate is managed by Kiragu $ Mwangi Limited- registered valuers and property managers. The Estate is one of the Flagships of the National Social Security Fund- NSSF and Phase one of the Estate was built in 1999, the same time Buru Buru Phase 5 was being built.
The Managers had a very clear vision and focused management style from the word go. They decided that they wanted to bring Muthaiga to Embakasi and that is what they have done. They have worked as a team with the Residents and this has seen clear decisions being made on the 4 key areas namely;
  1. Garbage Collection
  2. Estate Cleaning
  3. Gardening and Tree Planting and
  4. Estate Security.
It is important to note that this is one area where even the Police confirm, there are no muggings and no theft.
The Residents in Partnership with the Management ensures that water flows, street lights are working, and services for which they are paying are provided. And the key words here is Team Work.
As at now, Nyayo Embakasi Estate has 2,505 units and a further 688 units will be commissioned within 3 Months. This makes Nyayo Embakasi Estate the 2nd largest Estate in Africa after one in Natal Province of South Africa.
At optimum level next year, the Estate will boast of 4,774 units.
If this is note a Best Practice, then I do not know what that should be. And we at The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign are truly happy to pay a visit to this Estate that is the Cleanest in Africa on the 13th October 2011.
In the same vein, we are inviting Kenyans, if Nyayo Embakasi Estate can do it, we can also do it wherever we are.
Congratulations and you take the Trophy hands down.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The PC to visit Komarock and Nyayo Embakasi Estate

Today was another eventful day for us at The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.
I met with Arch Phillip Sika- PS Ministry of Nairobi Metropolitan Development at his offices and later in the afternoon, in the company of the Regional Commissioner Mr. Christopher Musumbu and Ms Rhoda Otieno- an Administrative Officer at the PC's Office, we briefed the PC Nairobi Mr. Njoroge Ndirangu about the progress we are making with preparations for the National Litter Picking Day to be hosted at Huruma Estate on the 22nd October 2011.
We have many dignitaries who have confirmed their participation on the D-day and we will give details about this later.
On the 6th October 2011, the PC and his entourage, and the Deputy Town Clerk and his entourage will tour Komarock Estate where we will host a Consultative Forum with the Residents at Phase 3a as from 10am.
On the 13th October 2011, the PC and his entourage and the Town Clerk and his entourage will tour Nyayo Embakasi Estate where we will again host a Consultative Forum with the residents.
On the 18th October 2011, The Consultative Team members will have a Consultative Forum with the people of Huruma Estate at Huruma Sports ground as from 10am. We are in touch with the various groups fgrom Huruma, and those who want to be part of this meeting can always reach out to the undersigned.
The PC and the Town Clerk will be joined by Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe, the Head of Public Service Transformation Department from the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Two Tours will be in appreciation of the Best Pracrices by Kenyans in maintaining a Clean Neighbourhood. The PC and his Entourage will listen to the people and thereafter give administrative advice and encouragements.
On the 22nd October 2011, the PC, the Town Clerk, Mr. Lubembe and other leaders will all join us at Huruma Estate to launch the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.
On behalf of The Consultative Team members, we want to invite residents in these two areas to turn up in large numbers and interact with the PC and his Team.
Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Blow to Environmentalists

Prof Wangari Mathai was best known for her passion about tree planting across the world. Today, we salute this Great Lady of the World for putting Kenya firmly in the Global map with this passion.
As we join in mourning Prof Wangari Mathai, we at The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign would like to challenge Kenyans to pick the pieces from where Prof has fallen, rise up and continue the struggle.

I was watching the NTV Prime Time News on Saturday and I was really impressed by the piece from Ouko Okusa about The Rock City- Mwanza.
Mwanza is a real clean city, and from the look of it, some serious efforts seems to have been put in place to ensure that the city is that clean. As we celebrate the life and times of Prof Wangari Maathai, I want to challenge us to continue planting trees as she did all her life. Let us clean our neighbourhoods as a mark of honour in her memory.
I bet she wanted for us a Clean and Green Kenya. What can we do to further this dream? Do we just mourn for this Gallant Lady of Africa and as soon as we inter her body we forget about her passion?

On the 22nd October 2011, we will be launching the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign at Huruma Estate in Nairobi through The National Litter Picking Day. We will mark this day in honour of the Life and Struggles of Professor Wangari Maathai.
We will be inviting Kenyans to each reincarnate the Wangari Passion in each one of us by joining in making Kenya Clean. We all need a Clean Kenya. Clean in our neighbourhoods, Clean with love for each other; Clean with trustworthy leadership; Clean with love for our Children, and Clean in several ways that advance democratic governance.
That is the passion with which we at The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign will immortalize Prof Wangari Maathai.
May the Good Lord give us the courage and strength that He gave to Prof Maathai to enable us live to see a Clean Kenya.
May the Good Lord rest her soul in peace.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Transforming Kenya as a Team

Team Members,
The last one year has been very exciting.
We launched The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign on the 18th September 2011 at Eastleigh and we have not looked back. During that period of time, we looked at dirt and litter and did all we could to help focus our attention as a people to that.
Odhiambo T Oketch

As we launch the 2nd Circle of The Campaign through The National Litter Picking Day on the 22nd October 2011 at Huruma Estate, we want to appreciate Friends who have supported us all along and those who have joined in the campaign. We want to focus on best practices and we will be visiting Komarock Phase 3a, Nyayo Estate in Embakasi and other well kept Estates.
We will create some positive image of the Kenya we want and we will be inviting all of us to lend a hand into creating that Kenya.
We are happy with the support we are receiving from The Provincial Commissioner Nairobi Province Mr. Ndirangu Njoroge and the Town Clerk at the City Council of Nairobi Mr. Philip Kisia. These two offices and their staff members have come very strongly to lead from the front and we must appreciate them.
The Public Service Transformation Department has become a Key Strategic Partner in this campaign and we must appreciate Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe and his Team. They are the first Team to become our Gold Partners in this campaign. Thank you so much.
We want to appreciate Akiba Uhaki Foundation, A Better World, Phoenix Aviation Ltd, Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd, Total Kenya Ltd, Safaricom Ltd, Text Book Centre Ltd, SGS Kenya Ltd, Capital Airlines Ltd, Express Connections Ltd, Green Fingers International, Mini Bakeries Nairobi Ltd, Tetra Pak EA Ltd, Nestle Kenya Ltd, Greening Kenya Initiative at the Office of the Prime Minister, Mugumo Communications Ltd, and the many others who have been able to give us support in the course of the last year.
But one thing that has been outstanding for us is the resolve of the individual Friends of KCDN. You have been the pillar upon which The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign has driven.
We are now pleased to announce to you that your support has not been in vain. We have formed a Consultative Team to help drive this campaign and we are getting new Partners. As I have said, the Public Service Transformation Department has become our 1st Gold Partner in this Campaign. We are looking forward to creating such Partnerships with the Brand Kenya Board, the Kenya Private Sector Alliance and many more.
In our discussions with His Excellency the High Commissioner of Rwanda to Kenya George Kayonga yesterday, we learnt that the Rwandese experience has been a cultural thing. The People of Rwanda are a proud People and a proud People would like to be Clean.
Cleanliness hence starts from your house outwards. It spills into your immediate neighbourhood, the village and upwards. We must emulate our brothers and sisters from Rwanda and do the same.
A Clean Kenya must Start with me----from my house outwards. Let us join hands and make the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign one which will truly Transform Kenya into realizing Vision 2030.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

A meeting with the Rwanda High Commissioner

In the Build-up to the official launch of the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign, we paid a courtesy call on The Rwanda High Commission in Nairobi where we held very fruitful discussions with the High Commissioner His Excellency George William Kayonga.
Our Team was composed of Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe- the Head of Public Service Transformation Department at the Office of the Prime Minister, Ms Soraiya Shariff from the same office, Mr. Danaiel Juma and myself.
His Excellency the High Commissioner gave us the History of Omuganda and how it was a reaction to cement the dignity of the people of Rwanda. It is a campaign not only meant to physically clean the immediate neighbourhood, but it is a forum where people discuss social issues and affect them. The campaign is in two parts, the first session where people engage in pre-arranged activities- cleaning, slashing, tree planting helping to put up a house for a neighbour and such like activities and the second part where people now sit down and discuss pertinent issues that unite them as a people.
He gave us a story of some Chines who visited Kigali and decided to test the resolve of the people by one of them dropping some polythene bag. It was amazing....the next Rwandese promptly picked it up and took it to a litter bin.
The Clean-up Campaign in Rwanda is a culture; people have grown to accept that cleanliness starts from you and your house as it comes to the neighbourhood, the village and then it assumes a National Dimension. It was imperative to note that it is the people who generate all the litter and garbage hence, if we dispose of the same responsibly, we will live in a clean and healthy neighbourhood.
In Rwanda, issues of cleanliness have seized to be Government issues. This are community issues and every person knows what his obligation to a clean neighbourhood is. He told us that we must invite Kenyans to own the process at all levels and it must be a bottoms-up approach.
In congratulating the Team that has been behind this Campaign, he said he will join us in the next campaign on the 22nd October 2011 when we will be launching the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign through The National Litter Picking Day. He will also be joined by the Rwandese Students in the Kenyan Diaspora.
Lastly, he will be organizing for our Team to join our colleagues in Rwanda during the November Omuganda Day to enable us interact and share ideas with our colleagues. Similar delegations from Rwanda will be joining us in this Campaign once in a while as it grows in stature.
Mr. Lubembe on his part thanked His Excellency the High Commissioner for meeting with us today. He appreciated the efforts that have been put in place to ensure that the Clean-up Campaign is a success. He said that his department in driving the Public Transformation Initiative in Kenya under the banner of Transforming Kenya will give all their support to the Campaign.
He lauded the people of Rwanda for setting high standards with the Clean-up Campaign as he pointed out that the Clean-up goes beyond the normal act of cleaning. He said his Department will actively participate in this exercise as one of the Pillars driving the Transforming Kenya Initiative.
He applauded the commitment that has been put in assembling a team to drive this campaign and pointed out the fact that the PC and the Town Clerk Nairobi are part of the Consultative Team, besides other key Government and Private Partnership as a sign of seriousness from both the Public and Private entities towards the Campaign.
Mr. Juma gave us the parallel of the Saemaul Undong as practiced in Korea. He was optimistic that the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign will be a huge success. Under the banner of Miss University East Africa, they will be cleaning Langata Road on the 28th November 2011 before crowing the Miss University East Africa at the Carnivore.
On behalf of The Clean-up Campaign Team, I want to once more sincerely thank His Excellency the High Commissioner for the meeting that we had today. I want to sincerely thank Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe, Ms Soraiya Shariff and Mr. Daniel Juma for taking their time to be part of the meeting of today.
To all of us; A Clean Kenya Starts With Me. You heard to today from His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

KCDN meets Kepsa, Brand Kenya Board, Ministry of Environment and Public Service Transformation Depatrtment

On behalf of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign Team, I want to sincerely thank the CEO at Kenya Private Sector Alliance Ms Caroline Kariuki for the meeting we had with her today at her offices. I also want to sincerely thank Ms Soraiya Shariff from the Public Service Transformation Department for making time to join us in the meeting.
This was a step in the right direction since Kenya Private Sector Alliance have been partnering with Public Service Transformation Department in driving the Transforming Kenya Initiative. The Clean-up Campaign is hence coming in handy in this partnership.
We were really impressed with how quickly she absorbed the concept and her desire to make it work in a sustainable way. We are looking forward to the great benefits that will be associated with this Campaign such as;

  1. The need to invite investors to come up with Waste Recycling Plants across the 47 Counties as an economic activity as well as a job creation opportunity- this will be defended by the people to put at bay all vested interests,
  2. The investor support in placing Litter Bins across our Major Cities as they advertise in the same spaces as well,
  3. Mobilization of Media, Sports, Business and Music Personalities to be in the front line in helping with the sensitization efforts for the Campaign
  4. Sustained media and publicity for the Campaign,
  5. and the prospects of crime reduction as a consequence of enhanced awareness in a clean environment.
Under the Public Private Dialogue, and working in close partnership with several agencies, we have that firm conviction that The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is going to be the next big thing that will lead to Transforming Kenya into realizing the Kenya Vision 2030.
In the same vain, we want to thank the CEO at Brand Kenya Board Ms Mary Kimonye and her Team whom we met with yesterday.
LR; Ms Njau, Mr Odhiambo, Ms Kimonye, Ms Muchiri, Mr. Kivindyo and Dr Nzilu
Many thanks also to Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe and his Team at The Public Service Transformation Department whom we also met for very fruitful discussions at their offices at KICC yesterday.
Earlier on Friday, we had paid a Courtesy call on Dr Alice Kaudia- the Environmental Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources.
We must sincerely thank the Team that have dedicated their time to make this Campaign a reality as we continue to build more Partnerships.  We firmly believe that we all have some part to play in this Campaign and it surely Starts With Me.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi- 0724 365 557
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit

Monday, September 19, 2011

KCDN meets Brand Kenya Board and Public Service Transformation Department

We were pleased to host our first Consultative meeting with the CEO of Brand Kenya Board Ms Mary Kimonye at her offices today in the morning.
We had earlier made contacts about Brand Kenya Board joining in The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign and we made good progress today.
 Ms Kimonye assured us of her support and participation of the Board in this noble Initiative. The Board will sit in both the Media and Publicity Committee and the Financial Resources Mobilization Committee.
Ms Kimonye was accompanied by Dr Nzilu- Director Marketing, Mr. Musyoki Kivindyo- Director Communication, Ms Veronicah Muchiri and ms Edna Kuria while I was accompanied by Ms Pauline Njau from Media Machine. She Chairs the Media and Publicity Committee.
Later in the afternoon, we met with Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe- the Head Public Service Transformation Department at the Office of the Prime Minister.
Mr. Lubembe was accompanied by Ms Soraiya Shariff, Ms Sharon Makena, Ms Emily Angaine and Ms Linda Waireri all from the Public Service Transformation Department. It is important to note that PSTD through the Transforming Kenya Initiative are going to be our Key Partners in this campaign alongside many other key Government Departments, the Local Authorities and the Corporates.
We will be launching the 2nd Circle of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign on 22nd October 2011 at Huruma Estate when we will be hosting the official launch of the National Litter Picking Day with His Excellency the President and the Rt Hon Prime Minister and we have already constituted a Consultative Team to help with the planning.
This team was officially launched by the Provincial Commissioner Nairobi Mr. Ndirangu Njoroge on the 24th August 2011. We want to invite all Kenyans to own the Clean-up Campaign and help Clean Kenya.
A Clean Kenya Starts With Me.
Peace and blessings,
Odhiambo T Oketch

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Waruku Declaration; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign

In a highly attended Waruku Clean-up Campaign today, we came out with what the Director of Environment at the City Council of Nairobi Mr. Isaac Muraya decided to call the Waruku Declaration; Total war against Dumping.
The Waruku Clean-up Campaign marked exactly one year since the City Council of Nairobi started the Monthly City-wide Clean-up Campaign. The exercise was launched by the Assistant Town Clerk Mr. Dan Masetu on behalf of the Town Clerk and he called on the City residents to take personal responsibility in how we dispose of our waste and litter.
Assistant Town Clerk Mr. Daniel Masetu officially launching the Waruku Clean-up Campaign. With him are George, Odhiambo T Oketch, a Council employee and Petronila Nafula of Westlands Association

He said the Council will remain in the frontline in this campaign and they are open and ready to work with all the residents of Nairobi in keeping Nairobi clean.
The event was organized in partnership with City Council of Nairobi, Provincial Administration, Waruku Residents Association, the Westlands Association, Waruku Progressive Youth Group and KCDN.
Besides these participants, we had students and teachers from the Premier Institute, Resource Maximization and several residents.

On behalf of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign, we want to sincerely extend our appreciation to all these teams for responding to our call; A Clean Kenya Starts With Me.
In closing the exercise, the Director of Environment Mr Muraya, who was flanked by his colleagues from the Council- Mr. Richard Mogoko- a very good Friend of KCDN. Mr. Njogoge from Education, Mr. Mario, Mr. Omondi and Mr. Miheso and several City Council employees from the Departments of Environment, Decentralization and Inspectorate, called on the residents of Nairobi to declare Total War against dumping.

He said that the Council will do all in her power to start arresting all those who litter and dump as a deterrent measure. He thanked the residents who have walked with the Council through this journey of Hope in the last one year.
He promised to help turn the City around as we mobilize for the Launch of the 2nd Year of the Clean-up Campaign on the 22nd October 2011 at Huruma Estate in what has been called The National Litter Picking Day.
We say to all Kenyans who did engage in making Kenya clean today from across all Kenya; Thank you. We had Clean-ups in Thogoto, Landimawe, Huruma, Kariobangi, Mombasa, and many more places. You did us proud. Kindly share the photos of your events online.
The Waruku Declaration; Total war against dumping in Kenya

On behalf of the KCDN team, I want to sincerely thank all the Friends of KCDN who have made this Campaign possible.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi- Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit

Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Year down the line; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign

This Saturday the 17th September 2011, we will be celebrating one year since we launched The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. We will be at Kangemi in partnership with the City Council of Nairobi in a Clean-up Exercise that will be presided over by His Worship the Mayor of Nairobi Cllr George Aladwa.
During this period of time, we want to thank all the Friends of KCDN who have made this campaign what it is. We want to thank the various Councils that we have partnered with namely;
  1. The City Council of Nairobi,
  2. The Municipal Council of Mombasa,
  3. The Municipal Council of Eldoret,
  4. The Municipal Council of Kisii,
  5. The Municipal Council of Kisumu,
  6. The Municipal Council of Kakamega and
  7. The Municipal Council of Nyeri.
In the same period of time, we want to thank all the Friends of KCDN who have made the hostings of the Clean-up Campaigns the success story we are celebrating this coming week namely;
  1. The Office of the Prime Minister,
  2. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government,
  3. The Ministry of Internal Security and Provincial Administration,
  4. Akiba Uhaki Foundation,
  5. Phoenix Aviation Ltd,
  6. A Better World,
  7. Mugumo communications Ltd.
  8. Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd,
  9. Sarova Whitesands Hotel,
  10. Green Fingers International etc
We are also very appreciative of the so many people and organizations who have sent us their support over the same period of time. We thank you all. And we have listed all that support here;
Support to KCDN from January 2011 to August 2011

As we start the new face of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign, we will be having a new focus in Quarterly Waves with Quarterly Themes. The New Wave will be exciting as it will see major political players joining us in the Campaign on a Monthly Basis.
We are entering into Strategic Partnership with the Public Service Transformation Department at the OPM, Brand Kenya Board, Kenya Wildlife Services and others. These new Partnerships will really help drive this Campaign to new levels.

Our first major event will be on the 22nd October 2011 when we will be launching The National Litter Picking Day at Huruma Estate. The event will be officiated by His Excellency the President of Kenya and the Rt Hon Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya. We will give you all the details as we work the programme out.
Lastly, it is your support that has seen us do the following;
Our Journey of Hope Part 1
Our Journey of Hope Part 2
Support to KCDN from January 2011 to August 2011
Launch of The Consultative Team Members
KCDN into the Future AUF Support
KCDN Visits Thogoto Kikuyu
KCDN-Profile-28th May 2011
Friends of KCDN 8th May 2011
The Eldoret Campaign
The Kisii Campaign 17th June 2011
The Kisumu Clean-up Campaign on 16th July 2011
Kakamega Clean-up Campaign
The Donholm Clean up Campaign
The Nyeri Clean up Campaign

Please join us during the next phase of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign as we strive to make Kenya the cleanest Country in East Africa. This will be a really load programme and we promise you one thing; we will deliver.
On behalf of the KCDN team, I want to sincerely thank all the Friends of KCDN who have made this Campaign possible.
We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

KCDN Presents Cheques to needy Students

When we hosted the Donholm Clean-up Campaign on the 6th August 2011, we did promise that we were going to pay school fee for some students.
We were given names from the District Education Officer Embakasi and today we presented cheques worth Kshs 15,000.00 to 3 such needy cases.
First, we were at Embakasi Girls Secondary School wherewe were received by Mr. Abraham Lagat and Ms Emily W Masele- the Deputy Principal.

Here, we presented Ms Joyce Kabingo- Form 1S and Ms Linet Awuor- Form2E with Kshs 5,000.00 each. Joyce has fee arrears of Kshs 38,527.00 while Linet has fee arrears of Kshs 58,690.00
 We next went to Kayole South Secondary School where we presented Ms Mary N Mutheu Form 1G with Kshs 5,000.00. Ms Mutheu is an Orphan who is being supported by Mr.Musa Nyamae whose children are also attending the same school.
 We want to sincerely thank all the Friends of KCDN who made this happen. Specifically, we would want to thank Mr. Phillip Kisia- the Town Clerk City Council of Nairobi and Mr. Daniel Juma- Global Peace Youth Corps for donating the said moeny.
We want to appeal to more Friends to step forward and help us make the change we need.
To all of us we say, Thank You.
Odhiambo T Oketch
KCDN Nairobi.

Lethargic Council Services

Working for a Clean Country has never been easy.
As we mobilize and sensitize the people to join in and do the right thing, we have some amongst us who will continue to litter and place garbage by the next corner.
One interesting case is the scenario in Donholm Estate. We did a Clean-up Campaign there on the 6th August 2011 and the attendance was very impressive. In partnership with the City Council of Nairobi, we removed all the garbage that had been placed by the road and in the Trenches.
The Council employees came in very handy and we were really impressed by their resolve to keep the City Clean.
We left the Junction leading into Donholm a very clean place. But the following morning, on a Sunday, I was shocked to find a new heap of fresh garbage, now strategically placed by the road. It has now become a permanent dumping site.
Imagine, the place next to Caltex Petrol Station, just as you leave Outer Ring Road. Immediately on the road, has become a dumping site. Yet, we have Council employees, the Provincial Administration and the People!

This means only one thing; We have people in employment who are not taking their work seriously. How can the people join you to do your work and immediately we finish, fresh garbage is placed right where we had cleaned. More so, it is now placed by the road side for all and sundry to see.
The Managers at the City Council of Nairobi must wake up and do their jobs. We cannot afford to keep talking and mobilizing about a Clean Country when the people whom we are paying to do exactly that are becoming lethargic. It is very annoying that for 3 weeks now, no one seems to have seen the new problem in Donholm.
If placing garbage any how at any time is meant to malign the good efforts you are doing, we should have seen some efforts at arresting these people who are dumping aimlessly by our roads. The problem is not unique to Donholm alone. Just drive across Nairobi and look outside. We are living so carelessly and the people whom we have employed to do this work seems to be living in their own world as well.
It is very sad that we have the Ward Managers, the Divisional Managers, the Assistant Chiefs, the Chiefs, the Nema People- whatever they are doing, the Environmental Officers all across Kenya. They should report such cases to their superiors for immediate action if they are unable to address the same.
Again, we would have wanted to have seen some arrests by now. How can someone come with all that garbage and come and dump the same by the road side and go away with it?
10 meters from where people are now dumping at Donholm, we have a Police Patrol Base. Honestly, what are these people doing? I thought their motto was Utumishi Kwa Wote, and these means remaining vigilant at all the times.
I want to believe that setting traps for these people who dump cannot and can never be rocket science. We simply seem to have inept people handling affairs of our Councils.
Cleaning our Country is a collective undertaking that should involve all of us. But as we join in to help, we expect the people whom we are paying to do their jobs and do it correctly.
As we speak, Juja Road is a mess. Jogoo Road is a mess. People are dumping aimlessly just by these roads and the Council seems helpless in addressing these simple issues. We want to see some arrests and the sooner it is done the better for the image of the City Fathers and the Council employees.
We at KCDN -www.kcdnkenya.org  firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.
This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it big......
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit

Monday, September 12, 2011

Can we create some order?

In our dispatch on the 29th August 2011, we did raise the issue of informal settlements and how we can also create order in those places;
4. We must accept that order can also thrive in the informal settlements. Who says that we cannot plan how we live in the informal settlements?
Today, we have lost many of our colleagues in Kenya at Sinai in the fire tragedy that happened this morning. We want to start by sending our condolences to all those who lost their relatives and property. May the Almighty God rest their souls in eternal peace.
We also want to appreciate the Kenyatta National Hospital for their state of preparedness and how they responded to the disaster. We want to appreciate the many Emergency Service Units who responded quickly as well as our Police Force. You did us proud today.
Having said that, we want to once more impress upon Kenyans that we can indeed create order and live with it in peace for ever after. We do not want to point fingers and apportion blame. However, we want to urge the Town Clerks across all our urban settlements to implement the law without fear or favour.
Please know that we are looking up to you to help create order within our urban space.
You have the powers to realigne our informal settlements. The sad reality is, we have many amongst us who thrive on the disorder that kills our people. Such people must be told in no uncertain terms that order must be created and that Kenyans are willing to live by it. Kenyans must also respond by respecting the law and becoming very proactive in defense of the said laws.
We must stop grabbing land; land that sits by the Pipelines, Railway lines, Power lines and by the rives and water mass.
Let us not procrastinate. Let us open access roads withing the informal settlelments immediately. Let us not wait for another disaster to happen. today it is at Sinai, tomorrow it will be at Kondele, or, it will be at your immediate neighbourhood.
Let us relocate all those families living by the Railway lines. Let us move away from the Power Cables. Let us move away from the Pipelines. Let us respect these open spaces and stop salivating whenever we see such spaces.
Tragedies do occur the world over, but we must create access for emergency responses. It is only through such respect for open spaces will we be able to have some Rapid Response Mechanisms whenever we have such calamities visiting upon us.
Let us respect sound advice we receive from the professionals.
As we mourn our dead today, let us not waste more time discussion such issues in hotels. Let us move to the trenches and create some order. The time is now and the day is today. Let the Town Clerks across the whole country take charge within their jurisdictions and enforce the Building Codes. Let them ensure that we respect the dictates of our Town Planning.
We must create order and enforce the same. And the best placed people to do this are our Town and Council Clerks.
Kazi kweni Jameni. Our hearts grieve with our Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers who have lost their loved ones today at Sinai Nairobi. Once more, may God rest their souls in eternal peace.

Odhiambo T Oketch.

It has not been easy:...

The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya has never been an easy journey.

Today, we want to celebrate all Friends of KCDN who have made the following happen;
Our Journey of Hope Part 1
Our Journey of Hope Part 2
Support to KCDN from January 2011 to August 2011
Launch of The Consultative Team Members
KCDN into the Future AUF Support
KCDN Visits Thogoto Kikuyu
KCDN-Profile-28th May 2011
Friends of KCDN 8th May 2011
The Eldoret Campaign
The Kisii Campaign 17th June 2011
Speech by Oto to the ODM Youth 2012 Convention
Where are the Emerging Crop of Leaders
The Kisumu Clean-up Campaign on 16th July 2011
Kakamega Clean-up Campaign
The Donholm Clean up Campaign
The Nyeri Clean up Campaign

Please stay blessed.

We are looking forward to cementing our Partnership with you and more Partners. And on the 22nd October 2011, we will be hosting the National Litter Picking Day at Huruma Estate in Nairobi as from 7.00am.

A Consultative Team to help plan for this day was launched by the Hon PC Nairobi Mr. Ndirangu Njoroge and the Team is real busy at work. We will give major details on the 21sts September 2011 as soon as the 3rd Consultative Team meeting ends.

We are inviting all Kenyans whenever they are to help keep our neighbourhoods clean.

Stop throwing litter any how and stop depositing garbage in the next corner. This is our country and we must help keep her Clean.

We are looking forward to making Kenya a Clean Country as a Team.

We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.

This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it a huge success......

If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean  Kenya  Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.

Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator - Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean Up Campaign